Experience more than 13 years
Zernyatko Galina Valerievna
Education and Qualifications
Galina Valeryevna Zernyatko is a dentist-therapist of the 1st qualification category. In 2010, she successfully completed her education at the Smolensk State Medical Academy of the Federal Agency for Healthcare and Social Development of the Russian Federation.
Approach to Treatment
Approaches treatment with a high level of responsibility, care, and professionalism. Galina Valeryevna is always focused on achieving optimal results and providing high-quality dental care, making her treatment especially valuable to patients.
Work Experience
Over 13 years of experience. Her practical experience includes working in various clinics, where she has acquired unique skills, allowing her to effectively and efficiently provide dental care to patients.
Skills and Specialization
Galina Valeryevna's specialization includes all types of therapeutic dental care, including professional hygiene, whitening, treatment of caries and root canals, as well as tooth restoration.
VIEW ALL PRICESYou can choose the necessary service and book an appointment with a doctor. The cost may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the patient and the complexity of the treatment.
Consultation with a therapeutic dentist
11 BYN
Consultation with 2D X-ray analysis
24 BYN
Consultation with CBCT analysis
37 BYN
Ultrasonic teeth cleaning (professional hygiene)
170 BYN
Comprehensive ultrasonic teeth cleaning + Air Flow
210 BYN
Teeth splinting
150 BYN
Beyond Polus whitening (one jaw)
287 BYN
Composite veneers
300 BYN
Adhesive prosthesis
450 BYN
Skys installation (patient brings their own crystal)
50 BYN
Dental filling
140 BYN