Republic of Belarus
Minsk, Alibegov St., 12
Minsk, Alibegov St., 12
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Therapeutic Dentistry

Therapeutic dentistry

Dentists-therapists diagnose diseases of the teeth and oral cavity, conduct treatment of caries, treatment and filling of canals, as well as such preventive measures as professional oral hygiene. It is the dentist-therapist who will teach how to properly use home oral hygiene products, and will tell how often the patient needs to visit the dentist. Dentist-therapists perform some tooth restorations, for example, they restore part of a tooth damaged as a result of a chip; they make composite veneers or an adhesive prosthesis at the appointment, which helps to quickly solve the problem of tooth loss in the visible part of the jaw. .

Therapy Subsections

At Millennium Clinic, high-class dentist-therapists work, mastering all modern techniques of therapeutic dental treatment

Professional Oral Hygiene

Regular and proper professional oral hygiene is an integral part of the overall care for the health of teeth and gums.
Professional oral hygiene is a procedure performed by a dentist or dental hygienist of a dental clinic, aimed at cleaning the oral cavity from plaque, tartar, and other deposits that form even with regular home hygiene.
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Beyond Polus Whitening

Teeth whitening in Minsk at a high professional level is carried out by specialists of the Millennium Clinic dental center
Teeth whitening in Minsk at a high professional level is carried out by specialists of the Millennium Clinic dental center
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Caries Treatment

What do we first think of when we consider the need to visit a dentist?
About the discomfort and pain that accompany dental procedures. But there's no need for that. Modern anesthetics, along with the use of the latest equipment and progressive methods of caries treatment, make visits to the dental office comfortable and relatively infrequent, considering the quality of modern filling materials.
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Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is a procedure performed to treat and save a tooth with damaged or inflamed dental pulp.
Dental pulp is the soft tissue inside a tooth that contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue. When the dental pulp is inflamed or damaged, pain and sensitivity occur. Root canal treatment involves removing the damaged dental pulp, cleaning and filling the root canals, and then restoring the tooth with a filling or crown.
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Dental Treatment Under a Microscope

Today, thanks to modern technologies and medical advancements, the process of dental treatment is becoming more effective and precise.
One of the most innovative techniques has become dental treatment under a microscope. All therapeutic offices at Millennium Clinic are equipped with the most modern microscopes made in Germany, allowing for complex treatments to be carried out with maximum efficiency.
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Tooth Restoration

The Millennium Clinic Dental Center offers an affordable and high-quality tooth restoration service
Tooth restoration can help you deal with problems such as enamel darkening, the presence of cracks, pigmentation, or incorrect tooth shape. It's a rather complex procedure that involves a series of manipulations, which can only be properly performed by a professional. Our dentistry offers you this service at a competitive cost.
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Service Prices

The cost depends on the type and complexity of the damaged tooth. The final price of the service can be determined during an appointment with our dentist.
List of Main Services
Price, BYN
Consultation with a therapeutic dentist
11 BYN
Consultation with 2D X-ray analysis
24 BYN
Consultation with CBCT analysis
37 BYN
Ultrasonic teeth cleaning (professional hygiene)
170 BYN
Comprehensive ultrasonic teeth cleaning + Air Flow
210 BYN
Teeth splinting
from 150 BYN
Beyond Polus whitening (one jaw)
287 BYN
Composite veneers
from 300 BYN
Adhesive prosthesis
450 BYN
Skys installation (patient brings their own crystal)
from 50 BYN
Dental filling
from 140 BYN


Rozum Natalya Viktorovna Rozum Natalya Viktorovna

Years of Experience: 18 years

Specialization: Therapist

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Perkova Veronika Viktorovna Perkova Veronika Viktorovna

Years of Experience: 20 years

Specialization: Therapist

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Rachko Olga Nikolaevna Rachko Olga Nikolaevna

Years of Experience: 10 years

Specialization: Therapist-Surgeon

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Zernyatko Galina Valerievna Zernyatko Galina Valerievna

Years of Experience: 13 years

Specialization: Therapist

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Yulia Vladimirovna Stelmak Yulia Vladimirovna Stelmak

Years of Experience: 17 years

Specialization: Therapist

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