Republic of Belarus
Minsk, Alibegov St., 12
Minsk, Alibegov St., 12
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Tooth extraction

The tooth extraction procedure requires professionalism, tact, and sufficient experience from the dentist in carrying out the manipulations

This service is offered by both state and private clinics, free of charge and on a fee basis. Our dentistry in Minsk performs paid tooth extractions, the price of which is affordable for a wide range of consumers, and the quality of the used drugs and instruments allows to undergo the unpleasant procedure as easily as possible.

Indications and Contraindications

Indications for tooth extraction:

01Complete destruction of the tooth as a result of trauma or inflammatory process.
02Loosening of teeth due to the progression of periodontitis and periodontosis.
03Cyst formation.
04Presence of teeth that do not fit in the dental row, in preparation for orthodontic treatment.
05Ineffectiveness of proposed further treatment.

Contraindications for tooth extraction:

01Hypertensive crisis, unstable blood pressure.
02Myocardial infarction that occurred less than six months ago.
03Pregnancy (first and third trimesters).
04Exacerbation of mental illness, increased excitability, and seizure readiness.
05Infectious diseases.

Service Prices

The cost depends on the type and complexity of the damaged tooth. The final price of the service can be determined during an appointment with our dentist.
Consultation with a dental surgeon
11 BYN
Consultation with 2D X-ray analysis
24 BYN
Consultation with CBCT analysis
37 BYN
Sinus lift (excluding materials)
1100 BYN
Bone augmentation (excluding materials)
1100 BYN
300 BYN
Extraction of a tooth
50 BYN
Wisdom tooth extraction
150 BYN
Impacted wisdom tooth extraction
200 BYN


After tooth extraction, the doctor will definitely provide you with all these oral care recommendations. However, we will also post them here in case you need to refresh your memory:

– For 30-60 minutes, do not touch the area where the tooth was recently extracted, disturbing the blood clot formation process in the socket may provoke bleeding, disrupt the healing process, and introduce infection; – For 2 hours after visiting the dentist, it is not recommended to drink or eat, especially hot foods; – For two days, avoid bending over, giving yourself intense physical exertion either in the gym or at work; – For a few days, you will need to postpone water and heat procedures (taking a hot bath, swimming, visiting a sauna or steam room).


Igor Borisovich Cherenkevich Igor Borisovich Cherenkevich

Years of Experience: 14 years

Specialization: Surgeon-Orthopedist

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Rachko Olga Nikolaevna Rachko Olga Nikolaevna

Years of Experience: 10 years

Specialization: Therapist-Surgeon

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Ilya Alexandrovich Aniskevich Ilya Alexandrovich Aniskevich

Years of Experience: 6 years

Specialization: Surgeon-Orthopedist

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Pediatric Dentist

In our dental clinic, you will find a caring and professional approach to young patients

We understand that a visit to the dentist can be nerve-wracking for children, and therefore we have created a friendly atmosphere where every child can feel confident. Our specialists use innovative methods and technologies to make the visit to the dentist pleasant and safe. We provide a wide range of services, excluding treatment under general anesthesia.

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